The course has aimed to equip refugees with skills and knowledge in self-reliant agricultural-business and foodsafety by offering the following subjects: Integrated Farming in comparison with monocropping; Household accounting; Farm Management and Farm accounting, Food processing and preservation; Seed selection and storage, Cooperatives formation, Commercial farming; Techiques for growing cool-season crops, on July 23rd, 2014 at Ban Nupo camp, Tak Province in which 30 farmers, 11 male and 19 female attended.
The farmers who are preparing for third country resettlement are very enthusiastic and take notes and record what they have learned. They ask what they have not known and write down the reply they have got from COERR staff. They pay attention to the VDO about the family farm, factory farm and agriculture in the third coutries for better understanding.

In July, the program also offer a training to 34 new farmers, 12 male and 22 female during July 8-9, 2014

There is also the refresher training course for 32 present farmers, 14 male and 18 female, on July 10, 2014.

Farm visit in July was paid to 8 families to provide advices, for example, using old mosquito nets or sacks to cover vegetable plots to prevent animal attacks, raising garden beds above flooding level and cover the beds to prevent too much rainwater, growing young plants before transplanting seedlings, and receiving pest repellent from COERR should there be pests disturbing.

The program distribute mushroom and bean-sprout to the vulnerable groups |